Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Family energy consumption

After doing a local research in each country the final results are shown on this chart. All students from all Europe should guess the reasons WHY this chart looks like that.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think Denmark spend much energy because isn’t more expensive and they haven’t got more hours of sun. Romania doesn’t spend a lot because they have got more hours of sun. Italy and Catalonia spend some money because we have got a good technology and we use a lot the computer, the calefaction and the light. We spend the light because the houses are biggers and we haven’t got many windows.

Laia G.

Anonymous said...

I think Catalonia, Italy and Denmark spend more energy than Romania because in these countries there are more technology, and because Romania want to save more energy tan Catalonia, Italy and Denmark.

Anonymous said...

First, I thought the country that was spending more energy was Denmark because it's the country where the weather like it's cold so, the heatings are opening for a long time, but this isn't true because the country that is spending a lot of energy is Catalonia. What is the reason? I think Romania don't spend overmuch enery because it's a country in the process of development so, the people who live in this country don't spend too much money in energy, because they think there are somethings more important than that and they only spend energy when they should do that.
I think Catalonia and Italy weste energy. The people who live in these countries don't spend energy in somethings importants ( heaters,...) They do another things that are spending a lot of energy and this things aren't importants.
Denmark registers some valuers inferior to Catalonia or Italy but I think they can do other things to save some energy.

Mariona Morell Daniel

Anonymous said...

Denmark, Catalonia, and Italy are both countries that spend more because they have more technology. Spend more power with either heating or daltres of these resources.

Anonymous said...

Denmark, Catalonia, and Italy are both countries that spend more because they have more technology. Spend more power with either heating or daltres of these resources.

ester suñé

Anonymous said...

I believe that Catalonia and Italy are the countries that consume more to be developed more and less brought back to consciousness than Denmark.
And Romania consumes less by not this so developed that the other three countries.

Joel Núñez

Anonymous said...

I think Catalonia spend more energy than the others countries, because is the country more develop.Italy and Denmark are development too.
But Romania is the country that spend less energy, the people in Romania, waste less money at energy.
In Catalonia, Italy and Denmark are more technology than Romania.

Anonymous said...

Italy, Catalonia and Denmark are the three countries consuming more, because there are more technologies and are more developed countries. And in Romania don't have so many technologies, and it's more poor.

Ariadna Pons

Anonymous said...

I think it's because Denmark, Spain and Italy are countries with more technology, Romania also has the consumers but they are also less because it is a poorer country.


Anonymous said...

I think it's because Denmark, Catalonia and Italy are countries with more technology, Romania also has the consumers but they are also less because it is a poorer country.


Anonymous said...

I think that Catalonia spend more, because here, are more technologi and the countrie is more develope.

Anonymous said...

I think Catalonia, Italy and Denmark how spend more energy because are the more denvelope, and I think that the weader is some parts of the world because te winters are more cold and the people spend more energy.Romania dosen't spend overmuch because is a country in the process of development.


Anonymous said...

Denmark it’s the country that spends more energy, I think it’s because it’s a country at the north and it’s colder than Italy, for example.
Romania it’s the country that spends less energy followed for Italy and then Catalonia, they spends a little more.

Judith Pau

Anonymous said...

I think Catalonia and Itay spend much energy with the computers, bussines and a lot of tecnologies. Denmark spend fifty fifty becuse they haven't got any hours of sun. Romania don't have any hours of sun and haven't got good tecnologies, and Germany spend few energy because have got more hours of sun, and good tecnologies.

adria_barrufet said...

I believe that nutrition, Denmark and Italian spend more energy than Romania because it has so much technology and is not as advanced. And Denmark is spending more because they are in the north and there it is colder and require more electricity.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion: Romania is a place where there is the lowest currency, it is one of the countries that it has saving of energy better, there is that it are thrifty persons, that they know how to use the energy (43 kwh). In Italy they also know how to save quite well, they do not waste so much the energy how it|he|she is in the case of Catalonia and of Denmark (they are places where it is not has a good saving of energy, since does not watch so much, we leave the lights open when there is not anybody in the room, we leave the television switched on, and the same one happens with the ordering one, there are many more cases but these are some of the examples, in short, that we do not watch too much with the energy).
I can not give an opinion on Germany because we do not have datum, but I think that few kwh are used.

Anonymous said...

I think Denmark, Catalonia and Italy spend more because are more developed countries than Romania, which is poorer. And in Denmark there's a colder climate and it needs more heating and more light consumption.

Anonymous said...

catalonia is more rich than romania

Anonymous said...

I hink Denmark, Catalonia and Italy spend more energy, because of what the technology is more developed.

Anonymous said...

I saw a coment that said catalonia is more rich than Romania and this is the reason that the chest look like in this form. I don't agree in this opinion because if you have cold, you must put the stove in here or in another country. If the people of all the countries spend energy in important things, I belive there isn't this differents between the Romania and Catalonia, because European people have some money to buy all the things that they need. But the problem is when we spend energy in things not important (a lot of hours in the computer doing stupid things, a lot of time watching stupid programs in the TV, put the stove or air conditional not in the normal temperatures,...) In my opinion, this is the thing that the chest look like this, the waste of the energy.

Mariona Morell Daniel

Anonymous said...

I make a conclusion.
In this conclusion, I say:
Catalonia and Italy: spend very energy, because this countries have more technology, are developed and they have money.
Germany and Denmark: the same that Catalonia and Italy, but in this countries it is more cold, and for this, they consumes more energy.
In the last countries, I think they consumes some energy in not important things.
Romania: spend little energy, because this country is developing, and because it is poorer than Catalonia, Italy, Germany or Denmark.

Anonymous said...

i think the chart looks the way it does, concerning romania, not necessarily because we are all that poor or underdevelopped, or even because romanians try harder to save energy. it might be because the families that were monitorred applied the tips to saving energy that precise week. i know i did, and i'd like to think that made a difference. anyway, it's good to have the opportunity to discuss about this from different points of view. ana, romania