Monday, November 3, 2008

Welcome to our blog.

This blog will be the easiest way to invite people to save energy. Our schools are going to provide many examples of facts connected with energy, and together with other people we'll a SAVE ENERGY


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In my opinion: Romania is a place where there is the lowest currency, it is one of the countries that it has saving of energy better, there is that it are thrifty persons, that they know how to use the energy (43 kwh). In Italy they also know how to save quite well, they do not waste so much the energy how it|he|she is in the case of Catalonia and of Denmark (they are places where it is not has a good saving of energy, since does not watch so much, we leave the lights open when there is not anybody in the room, we leave the television switched on, and the same one happens with the ordering one, there are many more cases but these are some of the examples, in short, that we do not watch too much with the energy).
I can not give an opinion on Germany because we do not have datum, but I think that few kwh are used.